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Aralyn Map Reduced Scale Copyrighted.png
The Darkflame Chronicles, "The Fairy and the Dwarf", "Maiden and the Wood".

The map above, drawn by the scholars of Beorwaith, represents an area near the south coast of the continent of Vorryn, Mead-elvish for 'Northern Land' and extends from about 35º to 50º north with the land area being about 1100 miles north-to-south and about 1400 miles east-to-west. The map shows the lands the Hüma are most familiar with.


Most of the place names are in the Huma language, Humish, in Mead-elvish or the Dwarvish tongue of Kheled Mor and a very few in other languages. They include....

  • primary regions, nations and some of their provinces and towns and roads

  • rivers, mountains, forests, and bodies of water

  • major races that inhabit certain areas

The continent of Vorryn extends beyond this map north to about 70º north and about 1200 miles further west and 1500 miles further east and the cape of Grunrig is its southernmost extent. Vorryn's climate ranges from warm in the south, with a Mediterranean climate in the west, merging into a subtropical humid climate in the east, and transitioning through temperate climates of varying humidity to boreal forest and eventually glacial ice in the far north. South of the map lie the Southern Isles, in a climate ranging from subtropical to tropical. Other continents lie beyond the oceans.

The region shown on the map is divided into three basic regions.

Areas or realms of Vestwaitha are as follows:

  • Syldarryn or 'Purewater' of the Veldalfa or Mead-elves, is a land of mixed woods, meads and rivers, with Pellorrys its capitol city. 

  • Beorwaith of the Bowenhuma or "humans who build", named for its founding lord, Beor. Its capitol is the high walled city  of white limestone named Vestenbarg.

  • Gulvrynnyn or "Fellmagic' is a mountainous wasteland and former claim of Lydrys, the Sorcerer King and his minions, presumed to be abandoned since the Great War.

  • Dollannyn or "Shadow Wood" is a pristine wild forest land peopled with various races of wild fae.

  • The Sigmarbura or "Safewall Mountains" across the northern edge of the map and the Sturmenbura or Tempest Mountains in the East are home to scattered colonies of Copper Dwarves and Trolls as well as the grand kingdom of Kheled Mor of the Mountain Dwarves.

The realms of Ostwaitha are as follows:

  • Fairdenveld or 'Horsemead' of the Fairdenhuma or 'horse humans', a loosely governed federation of tribes of horseback hunter-warriors. Its capitol is Fairdhevin or "Horsehaven".

  • Hilgenveld or 'Hillmead' of the Hilgenhuma, a fiercely independent highland people, with its capitol is the hilltop fortress-city of Hilgenbarg or 'Hilltown', build of great blocks of rough-hewn granite.

  • Nomeledh or 'Gnomeland' is the northern realm in Ostwelz, the "Eastwood", and home to the Noma, Nomenfolk or Gnomes, a tribe of woodland dwarves.

  • Callannyn or 'Greatwood' is the southern realm in Ostwelz, and home to the Weldalfa or Woodland Elves with their home-tree village of Callandor or 'Grandtree Home'.

  • Kheled Mor or 'Grand Delf' is the underground kingdom of civilized united clans of the Copper Dwarves mingled with some ancestry from two other dwarven subraces in Vorryn, the Iron Dwarves of the east and the Silver Dwarves of the icy north. its capitol city is Khelsharet or 'Kingsdelf'. Above them, on the mountain peaks, dwell the benevolent Sturmendraga or storm dragons.

  • Brandenwaith or 'Burntland' is the desert home of tribes of an arid-adapted subrace of Ezenfolk or lizard people.

  • Drakhaan or 'Dragonplain' is the realm of the feral, chaotic Fire Dragons or Furendraga. The primary population center is the 70-mile-diameter volcanic caldera of Drakhash or "Dragon Home".

The realms of Zudwaitha are as follows:

  • Fai'al or 'Faiwelz' is a pristine coastal forest land populated by wild fae races.

  • Bythia of the Bowenhuma is a very old and proud, primarily wooded grand duchy.

  • Grunrig or 'Greenrealm' of the Bowenhuma is a proud princedom rich in mining and agriculture.

  • Laivenveld or 'Lionplain' is home to allied tribes of Läivenfolk or Lionkin, a fae beastfolk.

  • Haashaala or 'Oceanrealm' in the shallow Zudzai or 'South Sea' is home to the proud Kala, Zaienfolk or 'Seafolk' a pisciform fae race named more specifically Fissenfolk, since the term Zaienfolk also includes their arch enemies, the vicious Zennenfolk, or squid-folk, whose abyssal realms are beyond this map.​

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