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Elven Subraces - Elaryl:

  • Vorryn Elves​

    • Meadelves or Mellaryl - Dwell in Syldarryn and other western regions of semi-forest 

    • ​​Woodelves or Lannaryl - Dwell in Callannyn in Ostwelz Forest.

  • Elven kindreds on other continents will similarly be revealed in future works.

The Elves of Arallyn are one of the kindreds of the Fae, created during the Morning Bliss of Arallyn, when the plane of the living and that of spirits and Gods were seamlessly united, before the Sundering that broke this union. The elves diverged from other fae in their devotion to light and the heavenly luminaries and in their chosen stewardship of the riverlands of Arallyn. Later, they diverged into subkindreds in various lands on various continents.

It is not clear from ancient chronicles, precisely when pride and arrogance become a dominant fault among the elves of Vorryn or Elaryl, as they call themselves, a name that means simply, the People (ryl) of Light (ela), but proud they became. It was during this time of arrogance and petty ego, that Lydrys (lyd - proud + rys - man) came forth to challenge the royal family of Varmellyn for the right of ascension to the throne. He claimed superior knowledge of Vryn, the power of will-acting or "magic" as it would be named later by the yet-unknown Huma. He demanded not only the throne but permission from Vrynala, the elven counsel of mages, to study the forbidden magic of life and death, later called necromancy. He claimed it was for the protection of Varmellyn, but the wiser elders of Vrynala sensed his deceit and forbade him to study it. His claim to the throne was also rejected and he was warned against his pride and admonished to be content to study the mystical arts that were permitted. Lydrys departed in rage and for a time vanished from Varmellyn.

Centuries later, Lydrys came to Varmellyn with a army of fire dragons and deathless minions, the Elaryl Surae, or dark elves he had bred by applying the forbidden art of necromancy and twisting and mutating elves he had captured. He fell upon the capitol of Triallys with grave destruction and the elves were forced to retreat to smaller cities within their kingdom. They called upon the other races of Arallyn, and armies of Dwarves, Tirfolk, Brannenfolk, and other fae came to their aid, and even the sea-folk swam up the rivers to help. All of these races were culled down by the war to a shadow of their former numbers and all were on the verge of extinction before the armies of Lydrys, the fire dragons, driven by mad desire to punish the corruption and arrogance of the elves, and the Elaryl Surae, who would rise again fully healed each day from the dead after a battle.

In the end, young Darrys, the newly crowned king of Varmellyn and wise and pure of heart, understood that the only way to defeat the Elaryl Surae was to sever the link between the worlds. And so, he fashioned of crystal an orb of perfect geometry and endowed it with unspeakable power. Climbing to the highest tower in Triallys, he let the orb fall and when it struck the ground and shattered, the power it unleashed shook the world to the uttermost islands in the sea, and the mortal world was wrested from that of the Gods and spirits, and forever sundered from them. Henceforth, death would be the only bridge to that realm of spirit and the only way back would be rebirth and forgetting everything from a previous life. The power of Vryn was doomed to wane over time now, accessible only through precise incantations and rituals. In truth, unbeknownst to most, Vryn would vanish utterly in time from common access, and be accessible only to those who were pure in heart and love for the Gods. And the magical first races in time would fade and die out.

The Elves of Arallyn have an average height of 76 inches or 193 centimeters with no difference between average male and female height. They do not have wings and tend to be slender in build, though very strong and quick. Their primary features include heart-shaped faces, high angled cheekbones, up-swept almond-shaped eyes and brows, and leaf-shaped ears. A wide variety of elven kindreds dwell in different parts of Arallyn. In the area of the continent of Vorryn shown on the map included in The Dwarven Prince, there are two kindreds of elves, the riverland elves of Syldarryn and the woodland elves of Callannyn. The taller riverland elves tend toward light hair ranging from intense gold to warm silver in color and eyes ranging from pale silver, to blue and violet, and the slightly shorter wood elves tend toward darker hair ranging from deep to light ash brown and eyes ranging from gold and pale brown or hazel to emerald green. Elves in Arallyn live to be about 500 years old at most, a reduced lifespan from one of 800 years before the sundering.

In terms of spirituality, the elves enjoy liberty of belief. Most are devoted to Lastyn the Lady of Stars, a mythical goddess of the sky, but the wood elves give greater honor to Nalyn the Green Lady of Nature, Arallyn, the personified goddess of the physical world/planet, and/or Ganys Lord of Beasts. Mages tend to prefer honoring Vrynys, Lord of Mystical Arts. Others honor Daryn the Lady of Waters or Hashys, Lord of Winds. All of these deities are recognized however, by most elves, though those of other kindreds use names somewhat altered in pronunciation. A few elves are xenotheistic, agnostic, pantheistic or atheistic in conviction and their rights of belief are supported by law with the exception of belief in gods of darkness, death or violence or gods that allow or promote violence or hostile behavior. No person is allowed to present him or herself as a deity or demigod and would-be prophets must demonstrate real prophesy or they lose the right to claim such. Public religious festivals are held for all of the traditional gods and groups of those with other beliefs are welcome to hold public festivals or ceremonies as well, if they wish to. No one is allowed to preach outside a dedicated shrine, meetinghouse or festival.

In terms of personal lifestyle, gender identity and sexuality between consenting adults is a non-issue so long as everyone is treated with compassion and respect and a publicly declared mate-bond or family unit is never violated. Formal marriage ceremonies are a spiritual rite and not required. If two people declare themselves before the village council to be mated, then the deed is done. Varieties in mating structure are acceptable so long as all are consenting adults and no mate bonds or families are intruded upon by unwanted advances. Formally leaving a mate bond requires a hearing before the village council and will likely not be granted if children are involved, unless one of the mates has been abusive. Abuse of any kind, even verbal or emotional, is a high crime. intimacy is private and must remain so. Public decency is expected. Ethical and moral conduct is always expected by the law.

Inheritance is always according to a written testament and in the absence of such, all property is divided among those of the community in greatest need, regardless of blood-relationship. Succession to the monarchy is by choice of an heir by the current monarch and does not have to go the eldest child or even to any child or relative of the monarch. All coronations, however must be approved by a popular sustaining vote of 80% or more. If no heir nominated by the monarch is accepted, then the people's council may choose someone to be sustained by an 80% popular vote. Seldom is the monarch's appointed heir not approved, as he or she will want to choose wisely and avoid embarrassment. All elected officials in the people's council, the priesthood or the mages' council must be approved by 80% of the popular vote. Local officials are elected by those they serve with the monarch's approval and do not need a nationwide vote.

The languages of Arallyn Elves are described on their own page.

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